ROCHIRA & PARTNERS is a network of firms and specialist boutiques who provide worldwide comprehensive advisory services, especially toward Companies. The network was founded by Giuseppe Rochira, Lawyer and Chartered Accountant, who provides also auditing services, working both in Italy and abroad.
After thirty years of collaboration between specialists from around the world, Giuseppe Rochira and a group of Italian partners founded ROCHIRA & PARTNERS INTERNATIONAL S.p.A. (which has transformed in several companies and firms) at the beginning of 2004, in order to offer a complete range of economic and legal consultancy services to clients in Italy and abroad.
The network, which consist of companies and independent advisors specialized in economic and legal fields, aims to provide the organizational and structural framework, which those operating independently do not have access to. This is particularly important in the context of a fast-changing economy and financial markets, and rapid developments in legislation across all sectors. The necessity of flexibility and of knowledge of different international situations, together with a high level of expertise and specializations means that the organizational structure of the network is shaped not only by profession but also by industry.

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